Friday, February 13, 2009

5-4-Fri: Classic Rivalries

Forget the Steelers versus the Cardinals. After all, the Cardinals aren't even really from Arizona so how hyped up could you get? Here are the definitive 5 rivalries:

1. UNC v. Duke - This classic battle fuels more animosity than the theft of Helen of Troy. Total score UNC 129 victories; Duke 97. 'Nuff said.

2. Jedis v. Sith - These monastic warriors feud across space over the proper use of The Force and generally kick ass. The never-so-called Light Side Jedis wail on the Dark Siders, who seem terminally hampered by their affected capes.

3. Jets v. Sharks - What can you say? When you're a Jet you hate Sharks more than Katie does. Watch West Side Story and walk tall, daddio.

4. David v. Goliath - The original rivalry! (Because, when you think about it, Cane v. Abel was really more of the original murder.) This "the bigger they are the harder they fall" cage match also inspired the beloved Lutheran TV show.

5. Less Filling v. Tastes Great - Admit it. Even Socks/Yankees takes a back seat to The. Contest. Of. All. Time.

PS - I was tempted to mention Macs v. PCs, but, woefully, the list makes demands, people. Oh, and "East Coast West Coast Killas" by Dr. Dre et al is rivalicious.


LO said...

Umm...chocoate vs. peanut butter!

The owl vs. the tootsie pop (how many licks does it take?).

Lucky charms leprechaun vs. those kids who are always stealing his charms...damn kids.

Speaking of damn kids, every Scooby Doo villian vs. those meddling kids. Mystery Machine rules the school.


maryland girl said...

Coke vs. Pepsi?
Joe vs. The Volcano? (ok, maybe not)