Friday, February 6, 2009

5-4-Fri: Facebook Lists

The time-suck that is known as Facebook is endlessly seeking to keep you from doing anything else with your life by coming up with ever more applications, all cleverly centered around its core value proposition: you talking about you. The latest is making and posting a list of 25 things...wait for it...about you. Here are the first five of my list:

1. I worked with a colleague who was in Playboy.
2. I introduced a woman I was casually seeing to another woman I was casually seeing and they dated each other for 2 years.
3. My favorite band is R.E.M.
4. My favorite number is 2.
5. I have run 2 marathons.

PS - Because you have been a good boy/girl/transgendered/gay/lesbian/straight little reader, here are the other 20 entries in my list:

Elvis Presley and I have the same middle name.
I have a personal blog.
I own a recreation of Marcel Duchamp's Bicycle Wheel.
Two of my ex-girlfriends in a row dated the same guy immediately after they broke up with me.
I have met Alex Trebeck.
I have had 3 surgeries.
I collect first edition novels by Ross Thomas.
My Master's Thesis is on a play written by British dramatist, Tom Stoppard.
My high school cross-country team won the state title eight consecutive times.
My father taught at an historically black college.
I have lived in Chapel Hill, NC: Westchester, NY; Philadelphia, PA; and Fonteney-sous-Bois, France.
I kissed my first girl as a Sophmore in college.
I did not drink in college.
My blood type is the universal donor.
My favorite film is "Fifth Element."
I have seen every episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."
I saw "Grease" six and a half times in the theater.
I have three cowlicks.
I have served on my parish counsel at church.
My first crush was on Olivia Newton John.

Oh, and, "Jai Ho" from the Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack by A.R Rahman is on my list of engaging songs; now playing on iTunes.


Lynn Eaton said...

six and a 1/2 times? did you hit your limit after the Greased Lightning scene? further info, please...

iClipse said...

I knew that I would have to leave for some reason lost to the mists of time, but a pal had a free ticket so I went anyway and then left and peddled home as fas as my maroon 10-speed would let me.