Friday, January 16, 2009

5-4-Fri: Bumper Stickers

Time for a stripped-down, re-bored, tightly suspended Friday list: this time on awesome bumper stickers.

1. Isis, Isis, Ra! Ra! Ra! I laughed so hard when I saw the gods of Egypt featured in this cheerleading gem that I nearly drove off the road. Still my favorite ever.

2. My President is Charlton Heston. The right-wing nut-job classic rear-bumper answer to the election of Bubba Clinton.

3. Jesus Would Slap the S#*t Out of You. A pal of mine just saw this on a recent drive and we fell out of our chairs laughing about it. Hey, pious Christian types: you better PRAY Jesus doesn't come back while you're still here.

4. Unattended Children Will Be Given Espresso and a Free Kitten. Some say that deliberately kitchy throw-back art and clever sayings have run their course. Still, this one caught me off guard.

5. Obama/Biden 2008. It's on my car. Just below my Tarheel window sticker. Uh oh. Woefully, more than one decal. That way lies madness.

PS - Have you noticed that people who have bumper stickers cannot stop at just one? There are really just two camps--people without them and people with three or more cats and a book on starting your own coven. Oh, and "Touched" by Vast is uh-mazing; now playing on iTunes.


maryland girl said...

A version of the Ra bumpersticker, seen on a car in Minneapolis: Ra is the fun god, 'cause he is the sun god. Ra, Ra, Ra!

iClipse said...

Nice! And better than "Annubis. Annubis. Hey, hey, Annubis."