Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Recipe: Crab Cakes

My people, I have brought down from the Blog Mountain a new tablet for you entitled "Recipe." Brace yourself: this feature will feature recipes that I like. Surprising, non? This makes 6 recurring "columns" for the Bloguscript:

* What is Going On? (Administrative Q/A)
* Do It (Advice you really should take to make your life better)
* Excellent Quotes (The pop culture references that shape my world view and any conversation with me)
* Funny Thing (Hee-larious stories; all true)
* 5-4-Fri (Weekly lists of related items or defining characteristics of a main topic; published each Friday)
* Recipe (See supra)

And now (drum roll, please) the inaugural Recipe: Crab Cakes.


1) Mix the following:

2 large eggs, well-beaten
1/2 C chopped celery (1 large stalk)
1 C crushed Saltine crackers
1 T Dijon mustard
1 t Old Bay seasoning
2 t Worcestershire sauce
2 T finely chopped parsley
1/2 C finely chopped scallions (12 scallions)
Fresh pepper, to taste

2) Fold in 1 lb fresh-picked crabmeat

3) Shape mixture into hamburger-like patties. Dredge in 1/2 C fresh bread crumbs if desired (I make them w/o the bread crumbs). Saute 2-3 minutes on each side in oil over Med/Hi heat. Serve immediately.


1) Mix together the following:

1 large egg yolk
1 1/2 T Dijon mustard
1/8 C white wine vinegar
1/2 T paprika

2) Add in:
1/2 C corn oil (whisk this in gradually; no kidding)

3) Add and blend in well:

1 T horseradish
1/2 t finely chopped garlic (1 clove)
1 T catsup

Let diners pour the remoulade on the crab cakes individually to taste at the table.

PS - My Mom cobbled this recipe together from Craig Claiborne's NYT article on the famous Baltimore crab house, Obrycki's, and data acquired from diligent trial and error. It makes THE BEST CRAB CAKE I have ever had. Anywhere. Ever. Woefully, most crab cakes you get out at restaurants are nasty. The secret: juuuust enough other stuff to hold the crab together. Oh, and "Help I'm Alive" by Metric is delicious; now playing on iTunes.


maryland girl said...

I mentioned the time you made mole--from scratch--in a recent conversation and folks were suitably impressed.

iClipse said...

As well they should be--I cooked from 8 AM until 8 PM with a half hour lunch break. Thanks, Rick Bayless, for the amazing "Authentic Mexican" cookbook.