Friday, December 12, 2008

5-4-Fri: Children's Books

This 5-4-Fri is about children's books--as the title promises--but with a twist. See if you can ferret out the twist. Yessir, its a brain twizzler. Haaard to figure out. Yup. Yup. Tres difficle. And Clever. Oh, yeah. (Well, YOU try coming up with 5 things of any interest at all each week.)

1 - Uncurious George. Hah! Mockery. Speaks for itself.

2 - Goodnight Bush. This book is so durn good that a friend of mine has an 11-year-old who just decided that he is going to give it to his father for Christmas.

3 - Uncle Shelby's ABZ Book. Secretly one of the most subversive books ever. Get it. Now. Seriously, log off. Why are you still here? Go get it.

4 -My Father's Dragon - Ostensibly a children's book. Really a morality tale.

5- If Everybody Did - One of my favorite social critiques masquerading as a children's book. Woefully, I cannot find any really good links other than the perfunctory Amazon promo. Go to a used book store and check it out.

PS - Everyone's first environmental primer ought to be McGillot's Pool. In fact, Dr. Seuss should properly be in the adult non-fiction section. Oh, and "Second Chance" by Liam Finn is worthy of his parent; now playing on iTunes.

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