Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Twitter Resume

@ iclipse My Twitter Resume

RT @mom Congrats on graduating
RT @mom Now get a job
RT @dad RT @mom Now get a job
whois jobsforenglishmajors
RT @mom nudge iclipse
get pewhealthprofessionsprogram
RT @dukeu Welcome to the team
#pewtrusts Got a job baybee! But I am just a freelance Consultant, tho
RT @dukeu Want a full time gig?
#pewtrusts Hey, I got promoted to Communications Associate. Hello benefits!
leave pewhealthprofessionsprogram
get pewcharitabletrusts
RT @dukeu Best of luck in Philly
RT @pewtrusts Welcome to the team
#pewtrusts New job as Executive Asst at Pew HQ. Yea!
RT @pmahottie Whatchadoin? Look, peeps, I gotsa girl.
#pewtrusts Job sucks doode
RT @pmahottie Its not you its me. Aww man I got dumped
RT @pewtrusts Best of luck somewhere else. Anywhere else
#pewtrusts PCT fail! Heading to DC...
leave pewtrusts
get instituteforeducationalleadership
RT @iel Welcome to the team
#nhec Super fun new gig y'all; I am a Sr Program Associate
#nhec Can't believe its been 5 years
#nhec RT @iel Funding Fail. Woefully, I gotta get a new job
RT @grayciegrace Hey, we have a spot open at Nat Geo
leave instituteforeducationalleadership
get nationalgeographiceducationfoundation
RT @iel Best of luck at National Geographic
RT @natgeo Welcome to the team
#nattyg I am a Program Officer
#nattyg Hey Jane Goodall is in the elevator
#nattyg RT @natgeo Nice work-Enjoy the raise. Hey, I am Director of Strategic Programs now
#nattyg RT @natgeo Okay you have been verrry patient so heres a raise again. Woo hoo! I am full on Director of Grantmaking
RT @natgeo In lieu of a raise how about a title change?
Like what
RT @natgeo Like Associate Executive Director
Any hope on the cash?
RT @natgeo Shut it
#nattyg Hey, everboddie, I made Associate Executive Director

@iclipse References avail on request

PS - Wow, it's true, you can condense your life into 140 words or less! But I am still not gonna join Twitter; cannot say the word "tweet" with a straight face (or say the word "venti" at Starbucks -- enjoy giving me a "large" coffee or suck it). Oh, and "American Girl" by Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers is tight; now playing on iTunes.


Unknown said...

That was annoying to read, and yet I did anyway.
You can link your Twitter update to your Facebook status if you want to kill two birds with one stone.

The whole point of Twitter (besides maniacally letting people know what your up to), is in the following/stalking (maniacally monitoring what OTHER people are doing and then commenting on it, if you're so inclined).
I'm not a huge fan of Twitter, but (as is my philosophy on a lot of social media) it's better to have a working knowledge of it and how it can be useful (i.e. promoting your message live from an event or following a competitor's "tweets"; I personally used it the most during the 2008 Pres election year following updates of key reporters/bloggers from the different conventions/debates and such).
Plus Twitter is free (for the moment). All's I'm saying is don't discount it as a professional communications tool and think about how it can work for you and possibly your cause/campaign. Again, it's free, still relatively buzz-worthy and popular, so I think it's worth experimenting with if you (or an intern) has the time.
End unsolicited advice from @brilliantformeroutspokenco-worker.

iClipse said...

#tweetiebird Yo. It is true. We now have an intern twittering her head off about the campaign. People seem to be "following."

I don't have a Twitter account. This entry was my attempt to understand hashmarks and protocols and whatnot. The whole Twitter idea might have crossed the line over into too much information.

Rosemary said...

Hey, ya'll. Two cents from someone who does social media for a living. Tweeting on a corporate level, which you can do on a Twitter-equivalent called Yammer, lets dispersed teams within a company brainstorm, get to know each other, ask questions, find resources. It's brilliant. I use it. Twitter, though ... well, had a Twitter account. Canceled it. Twitter works really well for writers, columnists, PR flaks, interesting famous people & others wanting to start a conversation with a certain demographic. But it's totally not my demographic. In the public domain that kind of sharing - which I'm willing to do on FB - makes me queasy. Can't read it. Don't want to. Even when I have to. Frankly? I'm too old. And I live this stuff. And that's why I think this is hilarious. Dude gets the conflict.

iClipse said...

Thanks for the heads-up on Yammer. Already recommended it to someone. My new "ah-ha"...a pal now has her AIM account SMS her on her phone so she's never "away" -- coolio!