Friday, January 23, 2009

5-4-Fri: Numb3rs

No, this is not a Five for Friday posting about the TV show "Numb3rs," although my Father liked to watch it. Nope, this is simply your end-of-the-week booster shot of cool numbers:

1. Pi. Doode! The ratio of a circle's area to the square of its radius. It never ends or repeats. Doode! J.J. Abrams WISHES he had invented it. 3.14159 -- that is as far as I can reliably sequence it. Committing anything more to memory seemed a moot exercise.

2. Prime Numbers. These are the numbers (natural numbers, naturally) that can only be divided by the number 1 and themselves. Cool trick, non? I have an unnatural love of prime numbers. I think I share this affinity with my close, personal friend J.J. Abrams. In his new series, "Fringe," the lovable mad scientist, Walter locks his car up in a garage to which the lock combination is 314159, which itself is a prime...and a reversible prime--951413--to boot.

3. Fibonacci Numbers. I'll let Wikipedia explain these numbers for me: "The first number of the sequence is 0, the second number is 1, and each subsequent number is equal to the sum of the previous two numbers of the sequence itself, yielding the sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc." Want to see why these numbers are so great? Look at a sunflower.

4. 8 15 16 23 42. These are the numbers from "Lost." Get it? Heh heh. I crack myself up. "Lost" is currently, (a) blowing my mind, (b) chewing up all my free time, (c) making me wish I were trapped on an island with Evangeline Lilly, (d) all of the above. Note that the sum of the numbers equals 108 and the Losters have to enter them into a computer terminal every 108 minutes. No moss growing on ole J.J. Abrams. I don't know anything more yet; don't tell me.

5. 44. Think about it. Think about it. This is the numerical moniker of our current President. Thank the Lord we are done with that lack-luster predecessor. I enjoyed the Inaugural. Thanks, Emmett!

PS - Although--ironically, as it turns out given my dating life--my favorite number is two, one of my favorite numbers is 25; it is the number made by putting my favorite number next to the favorite number of one of my favorite people. I think about it pretty often, actually. Oh, and Aimee Mann has a handle on numbers in "One."

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