Okay, so, about a billion years ago (1997) back when there were people who actually sported the coveted title of "Webmaster," I was having a conversation with the Webmaster of a very prominent national Website. The conversation went something like this:
"Hey, dude."
"Oh, hey, dude."
"What are you doing here, man? It's late."
"Just checking to see if [name redacted to protect the innocent] is still here."
"Naw, man, I saw him leave. But, you wanna come into the server room and smoke a jay? It has serious air filters so they'll never know we did it."
At this point, I had some career decision-making to do. So--wisely, I might add--I passed (no pun intended). I'll spare you the no thanks, dude, you sure, dude, naw, man, not on a schoolnight back and forth particulars. However, once we cleared up the whole smoke-a-joint-in-the-server-room-of-your-fracking-EMPLOYER nonsense, the conversation turned to what I now realize, in hindsight, was a massive, life lesson, missed opportunity on my part. [Can you spot the place where I am, woefully, an unmitigated dumbass with no clear vision of the future?]
"That's cool, dude. Oh, wait. Have you heard of Netflix?"
"Um, no, whassat?"
"Dude! This new company, like, sends you a bunch of DVDs in the mail and you can keep them as long as you want and then when you are done with them they send you the next movie on your list and you just keep building these lists online. It rocks! You gotta do it."
"WHAT?! And pay postage?"
"Dude, they pay the postage"
"Won't you get messed up disks?"
"Man, the disks are fine and they'll replace them if yours is effed up."
"Huh. Well, that sounds cool and all. Maybe I'll check it out sometime. Later."
Well, approximately a jillion years later I did a favor for some friends and they gave me Neflix for 6 months as a gift. Best. Gift. Ever. If you're not on Netflix, do it!
If you are on, give that *#@$ away as gifts like it was your job. People will love your gifts above all others. You're welcome.
PS - Memo to world: Don't make me your CIO. Oh, and "Is There a Ghost" by Band of Horses is stuff you'll dig now and in the future; now playing on iTunes.
One Hundred Thousand Flashbacks
15 years ago