@ iclipse My Twitter Resume
RT @mom Congrats on graduating
RT @mom Now get a job
RT @dad RT @mom Now get a job
whois jobsforenglishmajors
RT @mom nudge iclipse
get pewhealthprofessionsprogram
RT @dukeu Welcome to the team
#pewtrusts Got a job baybee! But I am just a freelance Consultant, tho
RT @dukeu Want a full time gig?
#pewtrusts Hey, I got promoted to Communications Associate. Hello benefits!
leave pewhealthprofessionsprogram
get pewcharitabletrusts
RT @dukeu Best of luck in Philly
RT @pewtrusts Welcome to the team
#pewtrusts New job as Executive Asst at Pew HQ. Yea!
RT @pmahottie Whatchadoin? Look, peeps, I gotsa girl.
#pewtrusts Job sucks doode
RT @pmahottie Its not you its me. Aww man I got dumped
RT @pewtrusts Best of luck somewhere else. Anywhere else
#pewtrusts PCT fail! Heading to DC...
leave pewtrusts
get instituteforeducationalleadership
RT @iel Welcome to the team
#nhec Super fun new gig y'all; I am a Sr Program Associate
#nhec Can't believe its been 5 years
#nhec RT @iel Funding Fail. Woefully, I gotta get a new job
RT @grayciegrace Hey, we have a spot open at Nat Geo
leave instituteforeducationalleadership
get nationalgeographiceducationfoundation
RT @iel Best of luck at National Geographic
RT @natgeo Welcome to the team
#nattyg I am a Program Officer
#nattyg Hey Jane Goodall is in the elevator
#nattyg RT @natgeo Nice work-Enjoy the raise. Hey, I am Director of Strategic Programs now
#nattyg RT @natgeo Okay you have been verrry patient so heres a raise again. Woo hoo! I am full on Director of Grantmaking
RT @natgeo In lieu of a raise how about a title change?
Like what
RT @natgeo Like Associate Executive Director
Any hope on the cash?
RT @natgeo Shut it
#nattyg Hey, everboddie, I made Associate Executive Director
@iclipse References avail on request
PS - Wow, it's true, you can condense your life into 140 words or less! But I am still not gonna join Twitter; cannot say the word "tweet" with a straight face (or say the word "venti" at Starbucks -- enjoy giving me a "large" coffee or suck it). Oh, and "American Girl" by Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers is tight; now playing on iTunes.
One Hundred Thousand Flashbacks
15 years ago